

$regfile = "m8def.dat"
'$lib "mcsbyte.lbx"                                          ' use the byte lib since we do not need longs
'$crystal = 4000000
$crystal = 3579545

'$baud = 19200

'declare used subs
Declare Sub Writebcdtime(byval S1 As Byte , Byval M1 As Byte , Byval H1 As Byte , Byval D1 As Byte , Byval Month1 As Byte)
Declare Sub Writetime
Declare Sub Gettime
Declare Sub Normalzeitzeigen
Declare Sub Stundensignal
Declare Sub Zeitstellen
Declare Sub Dezimalzeit

Soundpin Alias Pinb.0

'Declare variables
Dim Tm(5) As Byte At &H60
'These are pointers to tm() for simple handling.
Dim S As Byte At &H60 Overlay
Dim M As Byte At &H61 Overlay
Dim H As Byte At &H62 Overlay
Dim D As Byte At &H63 Overlay
Dim Month As Byte At &H64 Overlay

Dim I As Byte , Temp As Byte
Dim Str_char As String * 2
Dim D_stunde As Byte
Dim D_minute As Byte
Dim D_sekunde As Byte
Dim Sekunden As Long
Dim Cache As Long

Dim Bweekday As Byte , Strweekday As String * 2
Dim Strdate As String * 8
Config Date = Dmy , Separator = .                           ' ANSI-Format
Config Clock = User                                         ' we use I2C for the clock

Timesetpin Alias Pinb.1
Config Timesetpin = Input

'configure LCD-Display
Config Lcd = 24 * 2
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.0 , Db5 = Portc.1 , Db6 = Portc.2 , Db7 = Portc.3 , E = Portc.5 , Rs = Portc.4

'configure the used port pin for I2C
Config I2cdelay = 5                                         ' default slow mode
Config Scl = Portd.6                                        'Configure i2c SCL
Config Sda = Portd.7                                        'Configure i2c SDA

' not needed since the pins are in the right state
'Call Settime(ss , mm ,hh , DD , MM)                         'set time

Call Gettime
If H = 0 Then
If S = 0 Then
 Call Writebcdtime(50 , 01 , 23 , 17 , 12)                 'set time
End If
End If

Config Int1 = Rising
Enable Interrupts
Enable Int1                                                 'enable the interrupt
On Int1 Getclock Nosave                                     'jump to getclock on INT0

Cls                                                         'clear screen
Cursor Off

Do                                                          ' endless loop
 Idle                                                      ' Energie sparen
' ______________________ Ende Hauptprogramm _________________________________

  Call Zeitstellen
  Call Gettime
  Call Normalzeitzeigen
  Call Stundensignal
  Call Dezimalzeit
Return                                                      'generates a RETI because it is the first RETURN
Return                                                      'generates a RET because it is the second RETURN

Sub Dezimalzeit
  ' Vergangene Sekunden des Tages

  Str_char = Hex(s)
  Sekunden = Val(str_char)

  Str_char = Hex(m)
  Cache = Val(str_char)
  Cache = Cache * 60
  Sekunden = Sekunden + Cache

  Str_char = Hex(h)
  Cache = Val(str_char)
  Cache = Cache * 3600
  Sekunden = Sekunden + Cache

 ' Umrechnen ins Dezimalsystem
  Sekunden = Sekunden * 625                                ' Dezimaltag hat 100*100*100 Sekunden 10000=2*2*2*2          *5*5*5*5
  Sekunden = Sekunden / 54                                 ' ein Tag hat 86400 Sekunden            864=2*2*2*2*2*2*3*3*3

  Cache = Sekunden / 10000
  D_stunde = Cache
  If D_stunde < 10 Then
    Lcd " "
  End If
  Lcd D_stunde ; ":";
  Cache = Cache * 10000
  Sekunden = Sekunden - Cache

  Cache = Sekunden / 100
  D_minute = Cache
  If D_minute < 10 Then
    Lcd "0"
  End If
  Lcd D_minute ; ":";
  Cache = Cache * 100
  D_sekunde = Sekunden - Cache
  If D_sekunde < 10 Then
    Lcd "0"
  End If
  Lcd D_sekunde ; "  "
End Sub

Sub Zeitstellen
If Timesetpin = 1 Then
 Sound Soundpin , 20 , 40
 If S > 31 Then
   Incr M
   If M > 59 Then
     M = 0
     Incr H
   End If
 End If
 S = 0
 Call Writetime
End If
End Sub

Sub Normalzeitzeigen()
  Locate 1 , 1
  Lcd "Dezimaluhr  "
  Strdate = Hex(d) + "." + Hex(month) + ".06"
  Bweekday = Dayofweek(strdate)
  Strweekday = Lookupstr(bweekday , Weekdays)
  Locate 2 , 1
  Lcd Strweekday ; " " ; Strdate ; " " ; Hex(h) ; ":" ; Hex(m) ; ":" ; Hex(s)
  Locate 1 , 13
End Sub

Sub Stundensignal
  If S = 0 Then
    If M = 0 Then
      Sound Soundpin , 20 , 40
    End If
  End If
End Sub

Sub Gettime()
  'there are 2 ways to get the time. With low level i2c calls or with a high level call
  'first the high level call
   Tm(1) = 2                                               ' point to second register

   I2creceive &HA0 , Tm(1) , 1 , 5                         ' write the second address and get 5 bytes back
   'i2creceive will first write 1 byte from tm(1) which is 2, and then will read 5 bytes and store it onto tm(1)-tm(5)

   'and optional with low level calls
'    For I = 1 To 5
'       Temp = I + 1
'       I2cstart
'       I2cwbyte &HA0                                        'write addres of PCF8583
'       I2cwbyte Temp                                        'select register
'       I2cstart                                             'repeated start
'       I2cwbyte &HA1                                        'write address for reading info
'       I2crbyte Tm(i) , Nack                                'read data
'    Next
'  I2cstop
End Sub

Sub Writebcdtime(s1 As Byte , M1 As Byte , H1 As Byte , D1 As Byte , Month1 As Byte)
   'values are stored as BCD values so convert the values first

   Tm(1) = Makebcd(s1)                                     'seconds
   Tm(2) = Makebcd(m1)                                     'minutes
   Tm(3) = Makebcd(h1)                                     'hours
   Tm(4) = Makebcd(d1)                                     'days
   Tm(5) = Makebcd(month1)                                 'months
   Call Writetime
End Sub

Sub Writetime
   I2cstart                                                'generate start
   I2cwbyte &HA0                                           'write address
   I2cwbyte 0                                              'select control register
   I2cwbyte 8                                              'set year and day bit for masking
   I2cstart                                                'repeated start
   I2cwbyte &HA0                                           'write mode
   I2cwbyte 2                                              'select seconds Register
   For I = 1 To 5
     I2cwbyte Tm(i)
   Next                                                    'write seconds
End Sub

Data "Mo" , "Di" , "Mi" , "Do" , "Fr" , "Sa" , "So"