| LCD |
LCD Display 24x8 Zeilen
Mitsubishi M50530
Samsung 2138A
LCD an AVR Atmel ATMega8 und ATMega8515
Download ASM Sourcecode [8 KB]
Download Bascom Sourcecode [5 KB]
M50530 -> Description -> Plug10 -> ATMega8 -> Comment
M50530 -> Description -> Plug10 -> ATMega8 -> Comment
Pin 01 -> Ground -> -> ->
Pin 02 -> Data0 -> -> ->
Pin 03 -> Data1 -> -> ->
Pin 04 -> Data2 -> -> ->
Pin 05 -> Data3 -> -> ->
Pin 06 -> Data4 -> 9 -> 23 PC0 ->
Pin 07 -> Data5 -> 10 -> 24 PC1 ->
Pin 08 -> Data6 -> 7 -> 25 PC2 ->
Pin 09 -> Data7 -> 8 -> 26 PC3 ->
Pin 10 -> EX -> 5 -> 6 PD4 ->
Pin 11 -> R/W -> -> -> Im Dsp: R/W - Gnd gebrückt
Pin 12 -> OC2 -> 6 -> 28 PC5 ->
Pin 13 -> OC1 -> 3 -> 27 PC4 ->
Pin 14 -> 8,2 volt -> 4 -> ->
Pin 15 -> 5 volt -> 1 -> ->
Pin 16 -> Ground -> 2 -> ->
EX Signal Time 200ns
';; LCD-Routinen für M50530 ;;
';; ======================= ;;
';; ;;
';; Titel : 4 Bit LCD M50530 ;;
';; Autor : Arno Schweißinger ;;
';; Datum : 28.01.2007 ;;
';; MC : AtMega 8515 1MHz ;;
';; Stromversorgung: MC 5V; LCD 5V & 8,2V ;;
';; ;;
';; 4bit-Interface M50530 ;;
';; ;;
';; DB4: PC0 ;;
';; DB5: PC1 ;;
';; DB6: PC2 ;;
';; DB7: PC3 ;;
';; OC1: PC4 ;;
';; OC2: PC5 ;;
';; EX: PC6 ;;
';; ;;
$regfile = "m8515.dat"
$crystal = 1000000 'CPU 1MHz
Declare Sub Lcd_m50530_init() 'declare the SUB program
Declare Sub Lcd_m50530_chr(ch As Byte)
Declare Sub Lcd_m50530_command(command As Byte)
Declare Sub Lcd_m50530_gotoxy(lcd_x As Byte , Lcd_y As Byte)
Declare Sub Lcd_m50530_clear()
Declare Sub Lcd_m50530_enable
Lcd_m50530 Alias Portc
Config Lcd_m50530 = Output
_oc1 Alias 4
_oc2 Alias 5
_ex Alias 6
Dim I As Byte ' Zählschleife
Dim Lcd_temp As Byte ' Temp im Unterprogramm
Dim Lcd_parameter As Byte ' wird an LCD gesendet
Dim _x As Byte ' Cursor x Position
Dim _y As Byte ' Cursor y Position
' Begin Hauptprogramm
Call Lcd_m50530_init
_x = 10 : _y = 7
Call Lcd_m50530_gotoxy(_x , _y)
For I = 33 To 48
Call Lcd_m50530_chr(i)
Next I
Toggle Portb.0 ' Takt für Spannungskaskade
End ' ende Hauptprogramm
' End Hauptprogramm
Sub Lcd_m50530_init
Lcd_parameter = $d8 'set function mode (SF) 0b11011000
Call Lcd_m50530_command(lcd_parameter) '4bit-Modus einstellen 11 -4/8bit-FONT-2xDUTY-2xRAM
Lcd_parameter = $50 'set entry mode (SE) 0b01010000
Call Lcd_m50530_command(lcd_parameter) 'Cursor selbst setzen
Lcd_parameter = $33 'set display mode (SD) 0b00110011
Call Lcd_m50530_command(lcd_parameter) 'Display ein, Cursor nicht anzeigen
Call Lcd_m50530_clear
End Sub
Sub Lcd_m50530_chr(ch As Byte)
Lcd_temp = Ch
Shift Lcd_temp , Right , 4
Set Lcd_temp._oc2
Lcd_m50530 = Lcd_temp
Call Lcd_m50530_enable
Lcd_temp = Ch And $0f
Set Lcd_temp._oc2
Lcd_m50530 = Lcd_temp
Call Lcd_m50530_enable
Waitus 20
End Sub
Sub Lcd_m50530_command(command As Byte)
Lcd_temp = Command
Shift Lcd_temp , Right , 4
Reset Lcd_temp._oc1
Reset Lcd_temp._oc2
Lcd_m50530 = Lcd_temp
Call Lcd_m50530_enable
Lcd_temp = Command And $0f
Reset Lcd_temp._oc1
Reset Lcd_temp._oc2
Lcd_m50530 = Lcd_temp
Call Lcd_m50530_enable
Waitus 20
End Sub
Sub Lcd_m50530_gotoxy(lcd_x As Byte , Lcd_y As Byte)
Select Case Lcd_y
Case 1 : Lcd_parameter = $00
Case 2 : Lcd_parameter = $40
Case 3 : Lcd_parameter = $80
Case 4 : Lcd_parameter = $c0
Case 5 : Lcd_parameter = $18
Case 6 : Lcd_parameter = $58
Case 7 : Lcd_parameter = $98
Case 8 : Lcd_parameter = $d8
Case Else : Lcd_parameter = $00
End Select
Lcd_parameter = Lcd_parameter + Lcd_x
Decr Lcd_parameter
Lcd_temp = Lcd_parameter
Shift Lcd_temp , Right , 4
Set Lcd_temp._oc1
Set Lcd_temp._oc2
Lcd_m50530 = Lcd_temp
Call Lcd_m50530_enable
Lcd_temp = Lcd_parameter And $0f
Set Lcd_temp._oc1
Set Lcd_temp._oc2
Lcd_m50530 = Lcd_temp
Call Lcd_m50530_enable
Waitus 20
End Sub
Sub Lcd_m50530_clear
Lcd_parameter = $01 ' 0b00000001 Display löschen
Call Lcd_m50530_command(lcd_parameter)
Waitms 2
End Sub
Sub Lcd_m50530_enable
Set Lcd_m50530._ex
Waitus 1
Reset Lcd_m50530._ex
End Sub
';----------------------------------- Ende Dispay ----------------------------------------